
I’m a Guardian. Or Scientist. Or Executive. Or a Doer – Says Typealyzer

I ran  CloudAve, my main Blog Editor gig through Typealyzer, a service that analyzes written text and guesses which Myer-Briggs Personality Type the author represents, and it found we were Rocket Scientist.  Ok, forget the Rocket part, just scientists:smile_wink

INTJ – The Scientists

The long-range thinking and individualistic type. They are especially good at looking at almost anything and figuring out a way of improving it – often with a highly creative and imaginative touch. They are intellectually curious and daring, but might be physically hesitant to try new things.

The Scientists enjoy theoretical work that allows them to use their strong minds and bold creativity. Since they tend to be so abstract and theoretical in their communication they often have a problem communicating their visions to other people and need to learn patience and use concrete examples. Since they are extremely good at concentrating they often have no trouble working alone.

Typealyzer also prints a chart depicting what part of the brain was active during writing:

Of course it’s not that simple: CloudAve is a multi-author blog, and we’re getting some sort of an aggregate personality here, so let’s do some further testing.

One of our guest bloggers is Bruce Henry, whose formal title is Director of Rocket Science (no kidding!) at Liquid Planner.  If anyone, he should be seen as a (Rocket) Scientists – let’s see if Typealyzer agrees:

The analysis indicates that the author of is of the type:  INTJ – The Scientists.

So far so good – but Bruce writes his own blog, Bruce’s Brain – hey, a Rocket Scientist spills his brain, it sure must be seen as a Scientist:

The analysis indicates that the author of is of the type: ISTJ – The Duty Fulfillers
The responsible and hardworking type. They are especially attuned to the details of life and are careful about getting the facts right. Conservative by nature they are often reluctant to take any risks whatsoever.

The Duty Fulfillers are happy to be let alone and to be able to work int heir own pace. They know what they have to do and how to do it.

Ouch… this is crazy.  Let’s play more, run several CloudAve author pages through the mills:  Ben – Scientist (really?smile_wink), Krish – Scientist, Espen – Scientist, Eran – Scientist, Devan – Scientist (wow, are we all?), Julian – Scientist (gee, he is a CEO, should he not be the Executive Type?), Paul – Scientist, Mayank – ENTJ – Executive (Wow!!!),  Sameer – Scientist (Gee, his bio pic shows him with a guitar, but he is a scientist…).  Dan, who on two other blogs found himself Duty Fulfiller and Executive, comes out as Scientist, too.

With all these Scientists around, I wonder what my profile is … drumroll:

ESTJ – The Guardians

The organizing and efficient type. They are especially attuned to setting goals and managing available resources to get the job done. Once they have made up their mind on something, it can be quite difficult to convince otherwise. They listen to hard facts and can have a hard time accepting new or innovative ways of doing things.
The Guardians are often happy working in highly structured work environments where everyone knows the rules of the job. They respect authority and are loyal team players.

OMG!  While I guess the job of Editor-in-Chief is partly to be a Guardian, I know for a fact I am neither very organized, or efficient (unfortunately).  And highly structure work environments, rules, authority?   Geez, abhoring all those was the very reason I turned my back to a corporate career almost a decade ago.  In fact, as I often semi-jokingly claim, the only thing that still qualifies me to be member of the illustrious industry group Enterprise Irregulars is the irregular part.smile_tongue   But let’s see what Typealyzer says about my personal blog, where I’ve posted 1435 articles in the past 3 years:

ISTJ – The Duty Fulfillers

The responsible and hardworking type. They are especially attuned to the details of life and are careful about getting the facts right. Conservative by nature they are often reluctant to take any risks whatsoever.
The Duty Fulfillers are happy to be let alone and to be able to work int heir own pace. They know what they have to do and how to do it.

Wow, that does not sound like me, either. (Update: Duty Fulfillers was the type I got when I started this post an hour ago.  I just ran the test again, and now it says Guardian – nothing changed on my blog since the first run)

OK, enough of the testing.  Here’s a question to Typealyzer: how deep do you go into a blog?  On this blog, which is huge, it spit out the results so fast, it could not have possibly processed it all. In fact picking random months of my archive, I was able to receive any of these assessments:

  • ISTJ – The Duty Fulfillers
  • ESTP – The Doers
  • ENTJ – The Executive
  • ESTJ – The Guardians
  • INTJ – The Scientists

I suspect the analyses only extends to a few posts.  Now, that conclusion is somewhat clobbered by the fact I received two different assessments for the very same main blog page – that brings in an element of randomness I can not explain.

Finally, a little bit of unsolicited advice to the folks @, who brought us Typealyzer: you’re being discovered, stepping out on the international market.  You should have a blog – this thing is unreadable.  And if you choose to provide support through a Google Group, perhaps it’s time to move to an English-speaking one.

(This post is a slightly edited version of the original first published @ CloudAve.  To stay abreast of Clod Computing, SaaS news and analysis, grab the CloudAve feed here.) 



  1. I tried it and thought I will play a little prank, so I fed my hungarian blog address to it – I really expected some gibberish or something. Nope.

    “Detected language Hungarian. The only supported languages are English and Swedish. But stay tuned, we are expanding.”

    That’s more than I expected. :))

    And my English blog placed me as an Executive.

  2. Hi! Great post and thanks for feedback. Yeah, your right, all this attention kinda caught me offguard. I´ll have to fix things up with very little resources at hand for the moment, but please stay tuned! 😉

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