
Free Speech Costs $100

A nurse in Athens, Georgia was pulled over on her way home by a local police officer, who disliked that her bumper sticker “I’m Tired Of All The BUSHIT.”  The officer considered it  lewd, and gave her a $100 ticket for violating a state law prohibiting lewd or profane stickers and decals on vehicles.

The driver defended the sticker as a political statement that’s protected under the First Amendment.  By the way, the Georgia Supreme Court struck down the “lewd bumper  sticker” statute as unconstitutional in 1991, in a case involving a defendant who had a “Shit Happens” bumper sticker.

Here’s the detailed account of the incident. (hat tip: Eszter).   My readers know where I stand on Freedom of Speech,  so I’ll just list a few other related posts:

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