An image is worth a thousand words, and I’ve just given you two. What’s the relationship?
Connecting the dots ...
Image via Wikipedia
Fellow Americans, you just received the unexpected gift of a few free hours: don’t have to sit glued to your TV sets watching President Obama deliver his State of the Union address. He’s got more important things to do: Jury Duty back at home, Chicago.
Or not … the Court relieved him of duty when notified by the White House that he’d be quite busy for the next few years.
Summoning a sitting President is not that unusual: former Presidents Reagan, Bush and Clinton were all summoned, but relieved of duty. Which is all right. We’re electing Presidents to run the country. Everyone gets this – except one blogger at The US News and World Report, who happens to be a former White House speechwriter for President George H.W. Bush (surprise?): she thinks President Obama should serve. She speaks out of experience:
When I was a spokesman at the Department of Justice in the early 1990s, I was called for jury duty. Because I was promoting the attorney general’s pro-victim, anti-crime positions daily, I figured the judge would take one look at me and I’d be let off. No such thing. He asked if any potential jurors knew the prosecutor or the defense lawyer personally, and hearing no affirmative answers, started the trial. I couldn’t believe I was kept on the jury, but I have to say, it was an eye-opening experience. I learned a heck of a lot about our criminal justice system–good and bad–and I now think everyone should serve on a jury, whether they’re the president or not.
Sour grapes? She was not let off, so the President shouldn’t either. Gotta love her perspective thought, comparing the DOJ spokesman (shouldn’t it be spokesperson?) position to that of the President. Lady, get a life!
Virtual Worlds, such as World of Warcraft, Entropia Universe, Habbo Hotel, Club Penguin and Second Life grew 39% in the second quarter of 2009 to an estimated 579 million members, reports The Guardian.
A good chunk of these virtual worlds is owning virtual goods, that cost no-virtual, but real money: GigaOM reports that the virtual goods market is estimated to reach $1.8 billion this year.
“About one in 10 Americans reached into their wallets last year and spent an average of $30 on virtual goods, those pixelated swords, outfits and other non-real items used in online games such as Habbo and Club Penguin” – quotes the LA Times, using the same research report.
So why am I ranting about this? Let me put it very simply:
We’re wasting our brain on stupid things instead of being productive, while sending real money to Chinese entrepreneurs who laugh their *** off while running their sweatshops producing these digital goodies.
And you wonder why the US is declining while China prospers.
There, I said it … now I feel better. Now, for a refreshing and decidedly more intelligent view on China, US..etc read this piece by former wunderkind (may still be wunder but no longer kid) Ben Casnocha: Rising Tide Lifts All (Nation-State) Boats.
(Cross-posted @ CloudAve. For the latest and greatest -well, dunno, but definitely more intelligent posts than this- on Cloud Computing, Web Apps, Business and the like grab the CloudAve feed here.)
The Obama administration wants to reset US relations with Russia, and in a symbolic gesture Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presented her counterpart, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with a huge RESET button when the met in Geneva.
Except the button did not really say reset: it said перегрузка (peregruzka), which, as Lavrov pointed out means overload. Now, we don’t want to overload relations with Russia, do we?
Congratulations for the State Department translatorss for getting it right. Here’s my bailout proposal for State: fire the translators, just use Google Translate:
Barack Obama is apparently too tall to be President of the United Sates. He does not fit Marine One, the Presidential Helicopter:
Oops… the bump does not appear that serious, but gee …Google AdSense Nonsense recommends brain damage lawyers:
Wonder how long it will take for Google to pull those ads. in the meantime, here’s some more fun with “contextual” Google ads:
Update: as we know President Obama received a new uber-super-safe-ugly limo. Is this a subtle hint that he needs a new chopper?
Update #2: I think I hurt Google’s feelings. My posts typically show up in Google search results in minutes, but this one is nowhere to be found.
(Photo Credit: *takeitez* on Flickr)
Pardon my French, but that’s his message. Loud and clear.
This is not about Mr. Burris; it is about the integrity of a governor accused of attempting to sell this United States Senate seat," the statement read. "Anyone appointed by Gov. Blagojevich cannot be an effective representative of the people of Illinois and, as we have said, will not be seated by the Democratic Caucus.
Photo credit: Chicago Breaking News.
What a fine day in America:
We’re marching towards a socialist system… or at least a partially nationalized one. After the financial sector now the Government will likely take a stake in Big 3 Auto. Governments are not exactly known for running businesses well, let alone when they start with already ailing ones…
Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich was taken in Federal custody this morning, straight from his home, on corruption charges. Allegedly he wanted to cash in on his right to appoint the replacement for Senator Obama, who as we know moves to the White House. A line from the FBI affidavit, based on court-approved wiretap on his phones:
(the Senate seat ) "is a fucking valuable thing, you just don’t give it away for nothing."
There are juicier details here. My first reaction was shock … I know about arrests of former politicians but has an active sitting Governor been arrested before?
Apparently yes, and it gets better (actually worse): MSNBC keeps track:
If Blago goes to prison, and former Gov. George Ryan isn’t commuted by President Bush, you’d have two Illinois governors in prison AT THE SAME TIME. What’s more, by our count, Blagojevich would become the FOURTH Illinois governor to go to prison (following Ryan, Otto Kerner, and Dan Walker).
Hm, Jeff Nolan beats MSNBC:
Gov Len Small, also of Illinois, was arrested while in office in 1921 for corruption.
This must be a good Illinois tradition…
What a fine day in America…
On a brighter note, Costco profits are up… must be all my purchases.
I realize that only about 55% of my readers come from the United States, but the outcome of today’s US Presidential Elections will have a profound impact on the entire world. I know many of you are watching the process with excitement, in fact a quick look here shows just how much people all around the world care, and that they are quite united.
Well, they don’t have voting rights, so it will be up to my fellow American citizens to do the right thing and help us, help the world leave 8 years of darkness behind. Let’s watch the live results here:
I’m afraid I don’t have a fast-forward button, so it will be just a count-down for a while…
Publisher / Editor of CloudAve and Enterprise Irregulars.
I do most of my business blogging there, with occasional asides here. More...
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