
Gmail’s Spam Filter Threw Up Today

So far I’ve found Gmail’s spam filter robust, reliable: catches 99% of spam without false positives.  In fact I liked it so much that I recommended using Gmail’s services even for non-gmail accounts.

Today is a bad day: Gmail threw up on me, dumping hundreds of spam items in my inbox.  Interestingly enough, it only happened to one of my gmail accounts.

Anybody having similar experience?

Update (11/28): How timely .. this Reuters piece on spam, via Techmeme.

Update (1/14): Mine is OJ now, but now it’s Marshall’s turn… 



  1. Nope, works fine for all my accounts…

  2. I don’t know if it’s Gmail’s fault, but apparently some spammer starting using my email address as a “reply-to” address so this morning I got several hundred Out-of-Office and spam filter replies to spams sent on my behalf. Yay.

  3. Zoli, that’s for only shopping for free items on Cyber Monday -)

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