
TheLobby: What’s Wrong?

More specifically, what’s wrong with this picture shot at David Hornik’s super-secret, super-elite TheLobby conference? ( I mean other than dressing like this in Hawaii)

Hm… OK, let me give you a hint:

Aaron, will you now give me a break about my shoes?smile_wink


  1. you should submit to Thomas Otter for his new fashion in tech blog…

  2. Funny, I thought about it – actually first I though about it this morning, posting two CNBC videos about 2 hours apart, first Shai appearing with open collars, then wearing ties 🙂

    Same to admit did not remember the new URL, but now I will just have to find it 🙂

  3. Zoli,
    Your wish my command etc, even if it did put me off my breakfast.


  4. There are so many things wrong, the white suit, the fact it appears two sizes too long and obviousley those shoes..


  1. […] TheLobby: What’s Wrong?| Zoli’s Blog Zoli has new kicks, yay! They aren’t white patent leather loafers! […]

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