
SixApart Going Down?

As if all the extended technical problems were not enough, now this: “Mena Trott implodes on stage at Les Blogs: calls participant an Asshole after lecturing audience about the importance of civility” (via The Blog Herald).   

Yuck.  Their user community’s love isn’t endless … and in the meantime there are other good blogging platforms. Pretty bad form, IMHO:-(

Update (12/7-8):  This is now the juicy story of the Blogosphere:

  … etc… etc… I wonder how long before it becomes Technorati #1?  

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  1. It’s worth noting that the Blog Herald, which you link to, is run by someone who admittedly hates Mena and has (just in the past few months) made up a number of stories about Six Apart, including some strange fantasy involving naked pictures of Mena. Aside from admitting that he’s posted pictures of the 9/11 attacks in order to increase his page views, that’s probably reason enough to not necessarily believe his presentation of the event that he didn’t attend.

  2. Anil, appreciate the info, and I haven’t seen those – the naked pics,or 9/11. However, he is not the only source, this is a well-documented case, even videos are available on the Net.

  3. Anil

    hate is such a strong word and I don’t hate anyone. As for some strange fantasy involving Mena nude I can assure you that you are only describing your own dreams here my friend, and also show that you’ve got absolutely no sense of humour what so over. Making up stories? prove it?

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