
Zoho Office on Your iPhone

Are you already in line to get the iPhone?   Well, if your lucky (?) enough to walk away with one, you now have an online Office Suite to work with: Zoho released an updated, lightweight version of their Writer, Sheet, Show apps at iZoho.  You can create and edit documents, only view spreadsheets and presentations for now. Zoho will continue to improve these products.

It’s nice to have the ability to access your documents, but for longer work I will still prefer a large screen with a keyboard.  There may be a role for the cell phone though- see an earlier discussion with Sridhar on this. My interpretation of his “computing Nirvana”:

– the mobile phone brings the connectivity, browser and some personalization
– the actual work devices are the cheap displays, keyboards easily found anywhere.
– the apps and data are on the Net

Until then, enjoy iZoho.


Update (7/2):  Zoho Office is now available on Facebook, too.


Related posts: ZDNet,  WebWare, ReadWriteWeb, Wired, Deal Architect, Mashable,



  1. It would be great to have just a Cntrl-F (find) function to access data in a LARGE spreadsheet.

    Is java the problem?


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