
Frustrated by the Bug

The Bug has arrived,  It’s going to be big.

That’s the gist of what I can figure from a flurry of blog-posts on the new Open Source Hardware device to be launched soon.

I still don’t know what the Bug is, but it’s already bugging mesmile_sarcastic.   How is it that after reading top blogs like Fred Wilson’s, Brad Feld’sMashable,  I still don’t know what it is?   These guys all say it’s going to be Big,  but what does it do?   At last Dave Winer has some ideas…

I’m with Henry Blodget on this:

if Bug’s forthcoming product, The Bug, is to become a consumer hit (which is apparently part of the plan), the company first needs to do a better job of explaining what it does.



  1. Yeah. Remember the last time we heard about the thing that was going to be “big” and revolutionize the world? We all wondered what “it” was?

    It was the Segway. I finally saw on an actual sidewalk about a month ago.

    I’m not going to hold my breath.

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