(Updated, see below)
Did you buy a $1,500 iPhone? Did you, like so many others just want a cool iPod with a killer browser ?
Now it’s here: the iPod Touch: 8GB for $299 and 16GB for $399. CrunchGear follows the announcement.
Hm … looks like an iPhone without the At&T baggage I still wonder: why would you *not* want your phone and iPod in one box? (network-free, of course).
Update: At the time of originally writing this, I had no idea just how correct the title would prove to be. Apparently Apple has just cut the price of the 8G iPhone from $599 to $399, and the 4G model, which no-one quite wanted is to be discontinued. Here’s OM’s tip on getting your refund.
Update#2. Wow, this post is getting hundreds of hits coming from the Google search “iPhone refund”. I suppose it’s all because I wrote about refund before Steve Jobs announced the price-cut.. originally simply because of the iPod Touch = iPhone less the phone equation.
Update#3. Is the iPod Touch cannibalizing iPhone sales?
Related posts: the whole world… including, but not limited to: Engadget, geeksugar, The Unofficial Apple Weblog, BloggingStocks, The iPhone Blog, Lost Remote, PalmAddicts, Switched , Paul Kedrosky’s …, Ars Technica..etc.
[…] Zoli makes an interesting point, “iPhone without AT&T baggage” […]