I’m trying to “Web 2.0-ize” a friend who is a primary care (family) physician. The big plan is to give him a site he can easily update, and that will build up some Google juice over time – surprise, surprise, that’s a blog. 🙂
He WILL blog, but not too often – so this should not look like a blog, more like a traditional website with just a section on the main page for the refreshing content – or in WordPress lingo, a theme that has several buckets for static content, and just one smaller area for blog posts.
Can you recommend a good theme? Thanks.
you can check woo theme collections, there is lots of choice from free to premium theme.
But my suggestions is why dont use static site if there is no need more space for blog post.
atahualpa – it’s a free theme that is totally customizable. for example both webinarace.com and getin2coffee.com are created from the SAME theme – lots of support including sections in its support forums on doing exactly what you are talking about
Did you find a good one? I need one for a surrogate parent that looks good.