
Google’s FeedBurner Social Isn’t Quite Ready. Back to TwitterFeed – for Now.

googtwitWhy bother with an intermediary when we can now have FeedBurner send our blog post to Twitter directly?

– I wrote in Startup Bloodbath in Social Media and I meant it.  But for now, we’re switching back to TwitterFeed.

The new Feedburner service that pushes blog posts to Twitter directly isn’t quite ready. Let’s just say it’s a bit too trigger-happy: it pushes an update after every “save”, even minor updates to already published posts.

This is so crappy, we’re switching CloudAve back to TwitterFeed – for now.  Because it is crappy enough for Google to fix it soon – and then we’re back to the original formula: no need for intermediaries.

(Cross-posted @ CloudAve )


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