
San Francisco Olympic Torch Costs Hugely Underestimated

The City of San Francisco hugely underestimates the total cost of the Olympic torch run (more a hide-and-seek) in San Francisco.   Here’s the breakdown of costs by City agencies:

— Police Department: $504,896.75

— Municipal Transportation Agency: $149,516

— Department of Public Works: $55,995

— Fire Department: $12,000 (approximation)

— Recreation and Park Department: $4,000 (approximation)

— Total: $726,407.75


But that’s city agencies only, the true total cost is significantly larger.

What’s missing is the cost of lost productive time by the tens of thousands of people who lined the streets of San Francisco early morning in the hope of getting a glimpse of the torch.  All in vain, as the torch took evasive action.

(photo by Scott Beale / Laughing Squid)

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