ProfileLinker is a new service profiled on TechCrunch today:
“ProfileLinker wants to aggregate your social networking experience….You tell ProfileLinker your site credentials and it pulls your bio, friends and other information from those sites and centralizes it. You then use ProfileLinker to manage your activity on those networks: aggregate and manage multiple social profiles; discover new social networks and communities of interest within social networks; and receive notification of messages and friend requests from multiple networks.”
I am probably not the right target customer for ProfileLinker, I admit I don’t even have a MySpace of Facebook profile. But I do have one on LinkedIn, and was invited to several networks whose function I’d find useful, except that I won’t take the time to create a profile from scratch again and again. What I (and I suspect most networkers) badly need is a way to leverage the already existing profile and network (friends) information on other sites – probably by using a “central depository” of such information.
Who cares about ProfileLinker, give me ProfileCentral!
Actually, if that’s what you want to do, then ProfileLinker is the place for you. Once a few of the partnerships are sealed with existing social networks, ProfileLinker will allow you to easily sign up for social networks using your existing profile information.
In order to fully disclose, I’m one of the advisors for ProfileLinker.
Hi Zoli,
I think you make a great comment on Social Networking when you say:
However, I think your solution:
is wrong.
From a marketing point of view. A person should choose one single avenue of focus and market and bring people to it.
That way – the person becomes identified with that solution and grows their brand based on that solution.
For me, I chose LinkedIn and stick with it. I have just to learn everything about growing my LinkedIn network.
And its started to work.
Zale – Look for ways to grow your linkedIn network – my linkedin Profile
Well, as for growing one’s LinkedIn’s network, I’m not sure I share your approach:
Why I “Cleaned House” on LinkedIn – When Less is More
Thanks for commenting.