Warning: I think I’m becoming a curmudgeon – except that title has until now been reserved for somebody else
. But I still have doubts about the recent transaction: LastPass acquired Xmarks.
I really liked Xmarks – when it was Foxmarks. A simple bookmark synchronization service that would keep your Firefox up-to-date no matter where you logged in. Essential Cloud Computing when we’re no longer enslaved to one computer only.
Then it became Xmarks, started to offer password sync and several other services, including “enhanced” Google Search – i.e. adding a social layer to Google’s algorithm. I opted out of password sync, sticking to the basics.
LastPass, on the other hand was a solution for the password conundrum – so good, that Ben was ready to dismiss his usual concerns. The transaction probably makes sense for both parties: Xmarks was going down the drain, having experimented with business models and running out of cash. LastPass picks up millions of users.
So why am I ranting?
(Cross-posted @ CloudAve » Zoli Erdos)
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