
Machine-translated Blogs? No, Thank You.

I made fun of the sorry state of machine-translation a few times before:
TechCrunch “Narcotic”:-) (or the state of machine translation today)  and
Sans Accent; Marc Fleury’s Feet in the Dish and the Walk of the Waiters  so when I received a Mybloglog invitation to check out the English version of a blog, the last thing I expected was a machine-translated version of the French original.

The motto of the blog:

“The transformation of our company thanks to information technologies deserves a lighting… and reactions! My DataNews deciphers without turnings the topicality of the information systems, technology, the WEB, and the associated trades.”

The most recent post title:

The point on the function “Dated Management” (Management of the data)

“…Although shy person, this recent evolution is very positive, because it more stresses from now on the contents (the data customers, products, markets, suppliers) rather than on a technical container (the data base)”

Although with great effort I could guess what the blogger is trying to say, as written, this is pure crap.  Crisptophe, whoever you are (incidentally, messaging “Hi Zoli ! You can now read my blog in English !!!” to a totally unknown person is not the best way of introduction), I’m sure you are smarter then this, and you write a quality blog.  But for now, if you want it multi-lingual, you have to do what Mike Arrington did at TechCrunch: hire translators – or do it yourself.  But do yourself a favor, remove the machine-translated version, it does not do you any good. smile_sad



  1. In my opinion, a machine translator is not a tool for WRITERS, but a tool for READERS. If I had a site in French which I would like to be visited by people speaking only English, surely, I’d translated it myself, or ordered a professional translation. But if I have no time or no money for doing it, the most simple solution would be adding links to an online translator (or many translators, because some works better on a specific text, and some worse) and inviting the English visitors to make the translation themselves. You’ve referred to Systran MT engine, but it’s not the online one on the Web. You can or, there are at least 10 different system supporting translation from French into English.

  2. Paul and Ringo Together Again

     There is no English source yet, jut this Italian language interview in the La Repubblica, but if it says what I think it does, the remaining two Beatles will perform together again.   Here’s a rough Google translation, but frankly, it o…

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