
Why Vista S**ks

Vista isn’t really that crappy – says Gizmodo this morning.  Well, I won’t tell you what I think ( I’ve done my fair share), I’ll  just let  you decide.  After all, a picture is worth a thousand words… well, then how about a video?

Yes, all I was trying to delete empty folder structures from my own computer, using an account with full Admin rights. Makes me wonder whose permission I need.. Bill Gates?  Steve Ballmer? 

Read more here


  1. The Other Zoli says

    Enough b***ing, switch already and the issue is solved 😉

  2. Then what would I write about? 🙂

  3. I’m using vista for over a month and a half now (Someone at the office had to test out stuff on vista:) )and i’m very happy about it. No problems until now, performance is better than XP on this dell vostro laptop that i have.

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