I’m sure as hell lucky to have bet on Mint when Microsoft Money died… but to be honest it was a flip of a coin decision, Wesabe, the other web-based personal finance management program looked just as attractive. Good product, perfect pedigre, strong VC funding. Now Wesabe is in the deadpool while Mint essentially became Quicken Online.
A comparative analysis of the two, and why one died why the other thrives would be a very educational startup story – if somebody close enough to the fire has the facts.
Wesabe users have until July 31st to export their data (a rather short period, if you ask me, given the importance of such data.). I certainly hope Mint (Intuit) will step up the plate and offer streamlined migration.
In the meantime, I’m just lucky having bet on Mint. 🙂
(Cross-posted @ CloudAve)
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