
Gmail Testing (Selling?) More Storage

While most “average” email users are content with Gmai’s 2G storage, others are close to hitting the ceiling – see Paul Kedrosky’s rant on how he’d like to buy more space, but can’t.

This morning a Chris Selland reported seeing 9G – 9030 MB, to be exact. A search on Google and Technorati doesn’t bring up anything – I wonder if he is a randomly picked participant in Google’s early test. If you read this, please check your Gmail account, and comment back if you’re is increased.


Update. This appears to be the real thing – see also comments below. Mashable reports the same. While these appear to be randomly picked accounts and the additional storage simply became available free, Google Operating System talks about a pay-for-storage theme that would be available across several Google services. Ionut quotes these annual prices:

  • 6 GB – $1.00
  • 25 GB – $75.00
  • 100 GB – $250.00
  • 250 GB – $500.00

These options are accessible via the account management page now, however, the $1 for 6G deal appears to be a typo, I’m seeing 6 GB ($20.00 per year); the other prices are correct.

See update on the pricing here.


  1. We have a reader that has the same 9030 Go capacity.

  2. I too have 9030MB of space.

  3. aww shucks, i’m not part of the club

  4. I think what happened is that I had paid for space on Picasa Web Albums and that space is now ‘fungible’ among Google services. So it got applied to my Gmail account.

    In other words, I didn’t get a freebie but it was still a welcome surprise.

  5. Umm…
    Yea, funny thing is…
    Oh, here. Just see for yourself:


  1. […] y eres seleccionado. Lo cierto que hay varias Webs que lo comentan, como la francesa Zorgloob, Zoliblog , blogoscoped y un usuario de digg que ha mandado una noticia con una captura de pantalla… (más […]

  2. […] y eres seleccionado. Lo cierto que hay varias Webs que lo comentan, como la francesa Zorgloob, Zoliblog , blogoscoped y un usuario de digg que ha mandado una noticia con una captura de pantalla… (más […]

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