For all my love and support of SVASE, I sometimes complain that the monthly “Main Events” are a bit cut-and-dry. Well, that will certainly not be the case tomorrow: star-power, money, frugality are all well represented on the panel discussing Funding 2.0 – How To Build A High Growth Startup Fast And Cheap.
Matt Mullenweg started Automattic on a shoestring, and his product, WordPress became the most popular blog platform before he and his company accepted major funding.
Peter Yared, ActiveGrid’s Founder isn’t exactly unknown, either, although he is no listed as Founder & CEO, wdgtbldr. WTF? – you might ask, but that’s a company name. His website says: ps: pls snd vwls. We don’t get a lot smarter from this… but his LinkedIn profile reveals the company name as iWidgets, and his motto is:
The first rule of iWidgets is you don’t talk about iWidgets.
Naval Ravikant has been called a lot of names: Venturebeat labeled him: Crazy Man, his website is StartupBoy, and he is a Partner, at The Hit Forge:
The Hit Forge is a group of entrepreneurial engineers building mass-market web properties. We are owners of our companies, share common tools and code, and have enough money to fund dozens of attempts to find the next big hit. We don’t get locked into failed projects, we replace pointy-haired MBAs with modern web marketing, and we share stock so that if one of us wins, everybody wins.
Oh, and since I am a SaaS fanboy, here’s another acronym: CaaS, as in Capital as a Service (although Shai Agassi would disagree) .
Mike Cassidy has co-founded and sold three companies: Stylus Innovation, Direct Hit and Xfire. He is currently Entrepreneur in Residence at Benchmark Capital, one of the Big Brand Names on venture capital. Traditional VC firms have to change: the capital efficiency of software startups means they cannot easily invest tens of millions in one startup anymore, and their traditional model is does not allow them to participate in much larger portfolios. But Mike is not a Partner: the Entrepreneur-in-Residence title means he is there fishing for his next Big Hit, and will jump back as entrepreneur quite soon.
If you’d like to hear these four superstars discuss issues like:
• Can any fundable startup really get to breakeven on less than $1M venture capital?
• What does a “Capital Efficient” startup look like?
• Where do you find the people & resources for next to nothing?
• How can you generate revenue straight out of the gate?
• If I can generate revenue, and I have minimal expense, why do I need Venture Capital?
• If $1M “hardly moves the needle,” what returns are VCs now looking for?
– hurry, register here, before the event sells out. See you tomorrow, at 6pm in Palo Alto.
[…] To Build A High Growth Startup Fast And Cheap.” Get all the details here. Zoli Erdos has some more information. « Rocky Mountain Interview Comment […]