
Podcast: Chat With NetSuite CEO Zach Nelson

zach nelson I attended NetSuite’s SuiteCloud Partner Conference last week (see NetSuite coverage @ CloudAve) and had a chance to meet CEO Zach Nelson several times: on-stage, at dinner, and a cozy small-group chat that included several Enterprise Irregulars.  Michael Krigsman of the IT Project Failures fame  recorded the entire conversation, and although it’s an hour long, I recommend listening to it.  It’s a no-nonsense, to-the-point conversation, not a PR message.

This may just be a good time for a little backgrounder on the Enterprise Irregulars, a group I often refer to.  From Michael’s post @ ZDNet:

The Enterprise Irregulars is an invitation only group comprised of top-tier enterprise analysts, observers, industry veterans, and executives. The group consists of a loose affiliation of members who make decisions entirely on a consensus basis, without formal leadership or management.

Despite the highly informal organization structure, the Enterprise Irregulars maintains an active private discussion community and members meet periodically for briefings with vendors.

I’m a proud member of the EI, in fact I am the Editor of the Enterprise Irregulars Blog, an aggregation of (selected) member posts.  Publication of the EI Blog and my other gig,  CloudAve are sponsored by Zoho.

Now, back to the conversation – participants were  Zach Nelson, Jeff Nolan, Michael Krigsman, Ben Kepes and yours truly.  I suggest you head over to ZDNet and listen to it – well worth the time.

(Disclosure: analyst / press / blogger travel and hotel expenses were covered by NetSuite)

(Cross-posted @ CloudAve)


Edgy Marketing: Great Plains and SAP Guy vs. NetSuite Guy (Mac vs PC)

You’ve seen Great Plains and SAP, now in the Grand Finale they come together to match up against Mac .. I mean the NetSuite Guy:

(Cross-posted @ CloudAve)


Edgy Marketing: SAP Guy vs. NetSuite Guy (Mac vs. PC parody)

You’ve seen the Great Plains version, and I’ve told you to wait for the SAP version…. here we go:

Fun aside, SAP’s Business ByDesign is coming… (most likely) … in the second half of the year. I can’t wait to see a SAP video:-)

(Cross-posted @ CloudAve)


Edgy Marketing: Great Plains Guy vs NetSuite Guy (Mac vs PC)

Since I’ve shared with you a video  making fun of the Suites it’s only fair to show how a “suite”, NetSuite makes fun of competitors.  Oh, I love edgy marketing:-)

But this is nothing.. wait till they publish the SAP vs NetSuite video we’ve just seen at the SuiteCloud conference 🙂

(And I can’t wait for a SAP response ….)

(Cross-posted @ CloudAve)