
This Reminds Me of My Old Boss (Dilbert)

At least the ‘write down part’.  His process for dealing with email was:

  • Have Assistant print and fax email to whichever hotel he was staying in
  • Make handwritten notations on fax, ask hotel to fax it back to his Assistant
  • Assistant would then type it as email using his account

The whole process would take only 3 days or so …except when the fax had to be forwarded to another hotel since he had already moved on.

Oh, btw, he was a VP at a very big, very hi-tech company 🙂

(Cross-posted @ CloudAve)


IT Project Slipping? Just Throw in More Bodies … Not.

Dilbert.comAs a former Project Manager I faced the above situation far too many times, and I second Dilbert, it does not work. Throwing in more warm bodies often has the opposite effect, you project just got more expensive but not a bit faster…

(Cross-posted @ CloudAve)


Dilbert on Web Design – and more

Hm… I think I know which website they may be talking about:

No kidding… yes, I know it’s April Fools Day, but this is real – an accounting SaaS provider , no less.  I once speculated on a brave new business model: Ugly Service taking commissions from the sunglasses industry… but this is beyond imagination.  Ziki, the company I wrote about back then came to their senses – wonder how long it will take for Brightbooks to become … hm.. less bright? 

(Cross-posted @ CloudAve )


Dilbert Knows How to Save Failed IT Projects

Fellow Enterprise Irregular Michael Krigsman did a two-part mini-series on the IT Failures Blame Game . As someone who had spent over a decade on large-scale IT projects, I agree with a lot of what Michael says.  But all that time did not teach me there was such an easy solution for project failures:

(Cross-posted @ CloudAve )


Dilbert Knows Software Sales…

Check out the Daily WTF for a relevant post

(Cross-posted @ CloudAve )


One Word per Day – Dilbert